Thursday, 24 September 2015

Homemade Pure Pandan Juice (纯斑蓝叶汁)

Pandan leaf, also called screwpine leaf, is commonly used in Southeast Asia as it is very fragrant.  It is normally used in desserts, to wrap chicken, meat, etc, and to cook rice (which is called lasi lemak).

Homemade pure pandan juice is easy to make.  You just need to leave the raw solution to sit in the fridge untouched for 2-3 days and you will get your purest pandan juice!

The blended solution

 After straining the blended solution 

Transfer the strained solution into a bottle/container

 After sitting in the fridge for 2 days, you can see that the solution has separated into 2 layers

After pouring out the top layer, you get your purest pandan juice!

Homemade Pure Pandan Juice (纯斑蓝叶汁)


12 Strips         Pandan Leaves
½ cup               Water

  1. Cut the pandan leaves into small strips.
  2. Put the pandan leaves and water into a blender and blend till you get a green solution.
  3. Strain the solution to remove the blended pandan leaves.
  4. Put the solution in a bottle/container and leave in the fridge for 2 days.  Do not touch or move the bottle!
  5. You will see that the solution will be separated into 2 layers - a dark green solution which is at the bottom of the bottle, and a murky solution which is on top of the bottle.
  6. The dark green solution is the pure pandan juice which you want.
  7. Remove the murky solution on top by slowing pouring it away, and leave the pure pandan juice in the bottle.
  8. Use the pure pandan juice within 2 days.

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