Saturday 28 November 2015

Challah Bread (Egg Bread)

Challah is a traditional special Jewish braided bread eaten on Sabbath and Jewish holidays.  This bread was originally called hallah in Hebrew, since it was baked in the form of a round loaf.  It is usually braided, and has several eggs in it (hence it's nickname Egg Bread).  Challah can be in loaf form or braided, and may contain raisins and/or saffron.  Poppy seeds, sesame seeds and anise may be sprinkled on top of the bread.

You must try this bread as it is really soft and divine....

Challah Bread (Egg Bread)
1 cup      Water
1 tbsp     Instant Yeast
80g         Sugar    
3              Eggs
540g       Plain Flour
1 tsp        Salt
110g        Butter, softened
20g          Raisins (optional)
1 egg for glazing
  1. Dissolve the yeast in the water and add all the remaining ingredients.
  2. Knead with the dough hook for 6-8 minutes until the dough is smooth and pliable and comes off the sides of the bowl.
  3. Let the dough rise until doubled in size. About 1.5 hours at room temperature or overnight in the fridge.
  4. Punch the dough down and divide into 4 equal parts.
  5. Roll each part into a log the length of your sheet pan.
  6. Squeeze the top ends together.  Start braiding by taking the log closest to you Under Over and Under the other logs.  Click here for tutorial.
  7. When you are done braiding, squeeze the ends together, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rise until you see tiny pockets of air, about 1 hour.
  8. Preheat the oven to 170°C.
  9. Crack 1 egg in a small bowl and whisk well.  Gently brush the challah with the egg glaze, careful not to deflate the bread.
  10. Bake for around 30 mins until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped on the bottom. Cool on a wire rack.

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