Saturday 26 September 2015

Pandan Chiffon Cake

Pandan chiffon cake is unique to Singapore.  Many tourists tend to buy this uniquely Singapore cake back to their hometown.  It is a very light cake with the aroma of pandan leaf and coconut.  I find that most bakeries do not bake chiffon cake well as it tends to be dry - I prefer cakes that are moist.  If you follow my receipe below and beat the egg white properly, you will get a moist chiffon cake.  If you do not have pandan juice, you can substitute with 1 tbsp of water plus a few drops of pandan paste.

This is an adapted receipe from Agnes Chang's book "Baking Made Easy".

Please make sure you beat the egg whites to stiff peak.  Don't overbeat as the cake will become dry.

Pandan Chiffon Cake


150g       Self-Raising Flour
140g       Sugar
5             Egg Yolks
5 tbsp    Thick Coconut Milk
4 tbsp    Water
2 tsp      Pandan Juice
5             Egg Whites
½ tsp    Cream of Tartar

  1. Combine sifted flour, thick coconut milk and pandan juice in a bowl.  Use a whisk to stir well and set aside.
  2. Put egg whites and cream of tartar in a mixing bowl, beat on medium speed till stiff peak.
  3. Fold egg whites into (1).
  4. Pour batter into a 22cm chiffon cake tin.  Do not grease or line the tin.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for 15 mins till lightly brown.  Then increase the temperature to 160°C and continue baking for 10 mins.
  6. Remove from oven, invert, and leave to cool completely before removing cake from the tin.

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